What I Offer

My current toolset includes Ruby & Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, React, Redux, SQL & PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS, and the various frameworks, libraries, and technologies related to them.


Inclined to create easy to use websites and applications across all age groups

Language Proficiency

Aptitude for logical thinking and recognition of why code works and most efficient way to write it

Punctual Delivery

Develops software solutions that fulfills the wants and needs of businesses and consumers in a timely manner


Ability to take action and independently, as well as jointly, contribute to any phase of application development when needed


Social in pair and group programming in addition to learning a lot from others in the process and being receptive to feedback

Analytical Thinking

Designs and implements solutions to every day encounters of problems, making code work not only in isolation, but as a whole

Attentive Learning

Continuously improving and upskilling for clarity while also staying up to date with new technologies

Lead Nurturing

Listens empathetically, knows when a team is struggling, drives a team to a solution with encouragement and guiding coaching questions to advance individuals' growth

I have developed and launched multiple applications from scratch, maintaining the development of their back-end and front-end codebases.

I can refactor existing applications, improve code readibility, separate concerns into separate functions/classes/modules, and move around application architecture to be event-based.


Specialize in applications written in React and have fun with Redux architecture

JavaScript development: setup, bootstrap, refactoring, improving structure, reliability

Using tools like Webpack with features like environment support and server-side render

Market and technical research to address specific needs in order to design a concept

I have great sense of design of UI and how it affects the UX


Specialize in applications written in Ruby on Rails

Improve development speed, performance, and reliability

Cooperation with APIs and balancing load times

Using different types of databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite)

Consistent in structuring and typography

Deployment and monitoring of applications